Last night, our little LutheranHusker family journeyed to the Lincoln Children's Museum to celebrate the ringing in of the new year... 8 PM.
It was really cool. They open the doors at 6:30, give everyone (parents AND kids) party hats and noisemakers, let the kids play in the museum for an hour and a half, and then at 8 have a full scale New Year's countdown. We wished Father Time farewell, greeted Baby New Year, counted down from 10, then had a couple of hundred balloons dropped on our heads from three floors above us.
Kiddo just took the whole scene in. It was fun to watch him watching it all.
We were home home by 8:30. Kiddo was in bed before 9, which gave Sweetie and I a chance to watch a movie, which ended promptly at 11, which gave Sweetie a chance to promptly fall asleep. I woke her up at 11:50 to give her a chance to shake off the grogginess, we watched the Central Time replay of the Times Square ball drop, toasted the new year with some sparkling grape juice, and made it to bed by 12:05.
The fact that I considered it a pretty ideal New Year's celebration must mean I'm getting old. =)
Here's some pictures from our evening and the video of the countdown and balloon drop last night at the Children's Museum:
On the 3rd floor by where the balloons will drop!
Kiddo and Sweetie get ready to ring in the 8 PM New Year!
Happy 2008 from Kiddo!
What a great time you all must have had. Happy New Year!
Sounds pretty ideal to me!!! (Of course, I'm "officially" old.)
Happy New Year!! .....and may God continue to bless all 4 of the "Lutheran Huskers".
Tell "Sweetie" she looks absolutely beautiful!!
Love, Lil Sis
looks like you all had a great time. happy new year!
Question to you. are referring to the fellowship? That confuses me...essentially my congregation would have to pledge at least $2,000 a year to me?
it's amazing how much kiddo looks like you...really uncanny.
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