Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Papal Bulls, indulgences and transubstantiation...

Ever wondered what you'd get if you crossed Reformation History with SchoolHouse Rock?

Okay, me neither.

But I did stumble across this video (entitled Reformation Polka) on Youtube today, and that's exactly what it is. Light, a little simplified, but as far as hitting the high points of Luther's life not a bad little jumping-off point.

And the song is to the tune of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, which makes it extremely cool. And catchy.

I am so going to find a way to use this in Confirmation class next year...


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how much talent went into9 this video!!! Soooo good!!

(This is most certainly true!!!)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kind of makes that Theology of Luther class from seminary seem a bit over the top. This is priceless!